Add Bills
  • 20 Sep 2023
  • Contributors

Add Bills

Article summary

To register a new bill, go to the main menu and select ...More-> Bills-> Add-> Record a supplier bill.

1) Supplier

First, you need to select the supplier. If you don't see a specific contact in the drop-down list, just type a couple of letters in the search field. You may also create a new contact directly via the select box ("+Add new supplier"), without ever leaving the "add bill" page.

IMPORTANT: To proceed with the bill lines & amounts the supplier must have been specified. Once you select a contact, the bill will be updated to reflect the supplier's default currency & taxes (if there are any).


By clicking the "Contact details" you can view all the information related to your supplier, as well as any outstanding bills or unused credit that may exist.
By tapping on the "Contact notes" option you can instantly see the notes you have added regarding the specific supplier.

supplier details

2) Reference # (optional)

This is an optional field to help you identify this particular bill in the reports and via the search functionality. Typically, you would fill in the invoice number as provided by the supplier.

4) Date

Next, you need to specify the issue date. Select a date from the calendar or type the date manually.

5) Due Date (optional)

If the supplier has applied a credit period, optionally set the date by which the bill must have been paid. Elorus will track unpaid bills and promptly notify you when this date passes (the Bill status will change to "Overdue").

You may either provide the credit period in days (bottom-left image) or set the exact due date via the calendar (bottom-right image).

bills due date

6) Attach a receipt

Your supplier sent you an invoice. As a first step, you can upload the invoice/receipt as image - previewing the bill will assist you fill in the data (see image below).

The "Drag & drop or click here to attach a receipt" link will allow you to upload the file.

add bill with line taxes on

7) Currency & Calculator mode

On the Bill the organization's base currency or the supplier's default is used on the first place (with a priority to the currency of the contact). This setting is not binding as Elorus allows you to change it on the fly from the "Pencil" icon.

pencil icon in bills 1

From the “Amounts are...” field, you can decide how Elorus will calculate tax amounts: if you wish to type in the total amount (including taxes and discounts), then select "Tax inclusive". Otherwise, select "Tax exclusive" to type in the amount you are charged pre-taxed.

8) Item lines in a Bill

In each item line you can specify:

  • the Expense category to which the bill relates; this helps for detailed reports.
  • Quantity, Unit value, Measurement unit, Discount of each product/service. Optionally, include a description. If this relates to an item in your inventory, you may use the 'product' button to search - you will only need the first 2-3 letters of the product and Elorus will fill-in the rest of the fields when selection is completed.
  • Line taxes (such as VAT), which you can edit with a click on "Edit tax amounts", uncheck auto calculate and adjust the tax amount manually; this is a very helpful feature in cases where the tax amount differs from the automatic calculation
  • Project associated with the purchase and whether it will be billable to your client (at project invoicing)

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-08-31 131351

  • Click "+Add new line" to add a new product/service.


  • Once you associate a line with a product / service whose stock is managed, the item's stock will increase by the number of units that the quantity field dictates. For more instructions on how to manage products / services in Elorus, refer to the related article.
  • When editing the tax amounts manually you can set up to 2 decimal places.
  • To save time, if the bill does not affect your inventory (products / services), you could just type-in the total amount using a single line, regardless the actual lines on the bill.

9) Add global and withholding taxes on the Bill

Below the product lines you'll find the Add global tax and Add withholding tax fields.
By clicking "Add global tax" you may apply taxes at the document level. When specified, Elorus will calculate this tax as if it had been applied to each line item individually, simplifying the invoicing process and ensuring accuracy.
When applied, its amount can be set manually, as well. Just click the paddlock and specify.

global tax padlock icon 1

You can of course delete the global tax by clicking the "x" and with "drag and drop" you can change the order in which the taxes appear on the invoice printable.

drag and drop 1

Screenshot_1 13

In the +Add withholding taxes field you can record the withholding tax that deducts from the invoice's amount payable.
Details on how to add a withholding tax in your organization you can find here.

  • VAT taxes and any other tax subject to VAT must not apply to Global taxes (on the document level).

10) Tracking categories

If you have set up custom categories to track purchases, you may associate bills with these categories. First, you have to select the category and next the option. By clicking Add New, you can create a new tracking option on the spot.

You can also assign a tracking category from the bill's view page, once it is saved.

tracking categories in bills 1

11) Bill status (Draft / Issued)

After you finish editing the document, you can choose to save it as Draft or as Issued, by selecting the preferred status on the bar and hitting "Save". Also, you have the following additional options:

  • To continue adding bills right away you can select "Save and add another".

  • To just apply your changes thus remaining on the page to carry on working on the bill, you can select "Save and continue editing".

Draft bills are considered work in progress and can be further edited in the future. On the other hand, you cannot add payments to a draft bill and it does not participate in the financial reports.

Whenever you're ready, you should mark the bill as issued to denote the record is finalized. Once you add a payment, the bill status will change to partially paid or paid. (for more information on receipts and payments see related article).

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