Bill Payment
  • 17 Jul 2023
  • Contributors

Bill Payment

Article summary

A bill that you issue in Elorus is essentially an invoice or receipt you have received by a supplier. It can be used to register a pending expense or a purchase of items of your inventory.

It is important to be aware that when a "Bill" is issued in Elorus, it is regarded "Unpaid". This allows for reminders that will notify you about the incomplete payment so you can take action.

When the payment is completed, you need to follow one of these easy steps and change the status to "paid".

Mark as Paid/Partially paid

To mark a bill as "Paid/Partially paid" you need to associate it with one or more payments (sent). You may do that from the payments sent menu or by simply clicking "+Add payment" from the bill overview.

If the bill is saved as draft, you need to change its status to issued before you can proceed with the payment.

You can add more than one payments (sent) per bill. This allows for partial payments, as long as payments you have made in advance can be later used to paying off a bill. When the total amount of payment(s) is less than the amount payable, the bill will be marked as "Partially paid".

#1 Add payment(s) from Bill overview

add payment to a bill 1

On the bottom part of your issued bill, you click "Add payment". This will give you one to three different options.

Apply credit

The option is available when there is supplier credit registered for you. You can use this option, either from the invoice or the credit note itself.

Use the excess amount

When a supplier payment is already registered under "Payments sent", you can use it to pay off the bill in question.


Note that you can pay off one or more bills, using an excess amount straight from the "...more->payments sent" menu (see below)

New payment

With this, the system will create a new payments sent record which will be simultaneously associated with the bill. By clicking pay-off, an amount equal to the total value of the bill will be added.


#2 Add/associate from "...More-> Payments sent"

If you are looking to pay off more than one bill at the same time, you will make the most of the "payments sent" function. View related article to add payments here.

In the example below, the amount suffices to complete payment of both the bills pending to your supplier. Once the "pay off" button is clicked, the corresponding amount is going to be associated with the bill and mark it as 'paid'.


If you want to automatically pay off bills issued to you, [from oldest to newest] simply click "Auto pay-off" and confirm.

In any case, you finish by clicking the "Save" button.

Delete payments

If you plan to edit, delete or void a bill, you first need to make sure that there are no payments associated with it. You can achieve this by one of the following:

#1 Deleting payments sent permanently

If you wish for the related payment to be permanently deleted from the system, for one of the reasons described above or to get rid of a wrongful payment addition, you can proceed as follows:

From “...More->Payments sent”, select the entry you want to delete and click "Actions -> Delete selected".

#2 Unapply payments (sent) from the bill

If you wish that the payment you received remains in the system for future transactions, you can simply remove (unapply) it from the bill.

From the bill's view page and the Related payments sent section, click the trash bin symbol.

In the question that follows, click "Yes, I'm sure". The action is irreversible.


Important Note

Let's say that you wish to use a removed payment for a bill - one you edited or issued after the initial bill has been deleted. In this case, you are advised to simply select "Use excess amount" on the "+Add Payment" section of the bill. This ensures that each payment you have sent will be registered only once.


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