Cash Flow Reports
  • 22 Nov 2022
  • Contributors

Cash Flow Reports

Article summary

Cash flow reports aim to present you with the actual amounts that came in or out of your cash desk.

As mentioned already in different parts of this guide, (sales) invoices and bill already contribute in sales/expenses and purchases reports, respectively. However, the payments for these sales/purchases may not have been completed. This means that whereas a sale may have been made, its value could be an amount you are still expecting.

To view what payments sent or received have been made, you can utilize your cash flow reports. The elements will appear individually or combined, in both summary and detailed reports. See below which ones you can find in elorus:

Cash flow detail/Cash flow summary consist of completed payments. Both payments sent and received are included in these reports, whether they have been associated with an invoice/bill or not (yet).

Payments received detail/ Payments received summary contain all the amounts your clients have paid to you, along with credit received from suppliers.

Payments sent detail/Payments sent summary contain all the amounts you used to pay off your bills as well as the amounts of each expense entry.

Note: You can shortcut some of the above in the "Reports" menu - however, the full collection is available in Reports-> All reports.

To understand what you can do with them, you can check out the following examples.


How can I see the amounts I have cashed in during a specific period of time?

The payments you have received are summed up in this report. Total: The whole amount of payments received, that consists of the following groups:

  • From Invoices: Payments associated with invoices you have sent to your clients

  • From supplier credits: Payments that have been associated with credit notes your supplier issued to you (Entered in ...More-> Supplier Credit)

  • Other transactions: Payments already received but not assigned to any invoice.


Right under the amounts, you can see how the payments you have received appear per week (last quarter is the time frame in which the invoices of this list have been entered). Also, should you have any tracking categories, they will form a graph on its own.


  • How can I view the amounts I have paid in each currency?

Elorus provides reporting in your organization currency which is, in turn, dependent on your base country. You can, however, get additional reporting options in Payments sent detailed report one of which is a view of your payments sent in the original currency of each transaction.

In the example below, there are a few transactions in different currencies (EUR and GBP)

another one to try2

Other options available are to select grouping per supplier, method of payment (as a tracking category), and much more.

Cash flow summary

  • How can I view the progress of my balance in the last 12 months?

The two types of entries form the data of the cash flow reports (payments sent and received). In the cash flow summary, the data is presented with the help of graphs.


As you can see, the cash flow data is used in many different ways: Payment transactions per month could also have been named 'payments sent and received' - the intervals are directly related to the selected period (if the period is a month, then what you see in the chart is weeks). The method of payment chart, next to it, utilizes the tracking categories enabled for payments sent/received.

The cash balance timeline is based on the totals of each time period and its purpose is to help you assess the progress made regarding your balance.

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