Expenses and Purchases Reports
  • 22 Nov 2022
  • Contributors

Expenses and Purchases Reports

Article Summary

The "Expenses & Purchases" section of All Reports offers a wide range of related reports so you can get the information you are looking for. The most important aspect of reports on this category is that it can help you get a clear image on where you spend more.

Regardless of whether you have chosen the Bills or Expenses menu for each entry, you can apply the same expense categories, use your supplier contacts and view the total of the entries in the detailed report. Below you will find a brief description of the available reports.

Expenses and purchases detail: Includes every entry you create in expenses and bills.

Purchases by supplier is a view of your expenses and bills in totals per supplier. Please note that expenses that have not been assigned to a supplier are not included in this report.

Expenses by category is a report that allows you to view your total spending in each one of your business's needs, regardless of which functionality (Expenses or Bills) you previously chose for each registration.

Bills summary is the one report to view if you need information on how much you have spent solely on your bills.
Supplier credits summary includes the amounts your suppliers have issued credit notes for to you.

To gain a better understanding of what you can do with these reports, you can check out the examples provided in the following paragraphs.

To view the use of filters and options in more detail, visit "Adjust your reports"


How can I find out what I have spent the most this month?

The expenses by category report can quickly provide you with the information you are looking for: both regarding totals of amounts spent and frequency of transactions.
In the example below, it looks like the biggest amount of money has been spent for employee benefits. There are also a lot of transactions with a contractor.


Click on the link provided to get more information for the category of your choice (for the specified time period - this month in this case).


Note: As with any other table-detailed report, you can simply hit "Export" and select file extension (xlsx or pdf) for the report to be downloaded on your computer or portable device.


How can I find out which supplier is the most important for my business?

You can utilize the purchases by supplier report, for a period you feel represents your business cycle (for example, "this year") and draw conclusions on the matter above. Please note, that expenses entered without a supplier inclusion will not appear on the report.

As it might have already been obvious, you can check for different time periods (select a different one and hit "Update Report").

According to the information below, the supplier you have been interacting most frequently is Michael Jagger - however, the total value of these transactions is not the highest: this would be the total amount you paid to John Doe for the services (or products) he provided to you during the year.


How can I quickly see what I owe for bills?

The report which will give you this answer is Bills summary report. The presentation of data is supported by targeted visual aids-graphs and pie charts for the period of time of your selection. Some of these graphs are presented below:


In the quarterly report above, you can see, among others, total amounts of supplier invoices per (supplier) contact or market (due to the applied tracking category of the organization) Also, the amount due and already paid for the bills you have received in the time period of your selection make up the pie chart on the left.

To view more detail on the payments towards your suppliers, you can check out one of the available cash flow reports.

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